1. Students are expected to attend on all school days and for the full day. Half day applications will not be entertained.
  2. It is mandatory for the students to be present on the reopening and the last day in case of Summer, Dussehra, Diwali & Winter All students are expected to attend school on the first day and after each of the vacations.
  3. Students reporting after the scheduled time will be rewarded with a late remark in the school diary. Three late remarks will lead to imposition of penalty and strict action against the student.
  4. A minimum of 80% of the total attendance of the academic session would be necessary to appear for the final examination and promotion. Shortage of attendance up to 15% may be condoned in case of genuine illness, provided an authentic medical certificate in this regard is submitted.
  5. If a student fails to appear for any test, examination, practical, project work etc, he / she will be marked as absent in that test, examination, practical, project No retest / re exam will be conducted. If the absence is due to serious illness then an application for such leave supported with a medical report should be submitted to the Principal.
  6. Parent should make a request for leave in advance only when they are convinced of its absolute necessity, in case of injury or
  7. If a student is absent owing to illness, he/she on joining, must bring a note written by the parent or In case of longer illness, i.e. lasting more than three days the attendance in-charge should be informed and Medical Certificate should be attached.
  8. The school reserves the right to refuse permission for any trip if it demands excessive leave or if it occurs at an inappropriate time of the school year.
  9. During school hours no student is allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is over. Written permission of the Principal is required for the student to leave the premises during the school Breach of these rules will be viewed seriously.
  10. It must be noted that children will not be sent home even in an emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours without a written request from the parent or guardian.
  11. Parents are requested to ensure that their children arrive at and leave school punctually. Any student who is late in attending school should bring with him/her a written application from his / her parent / guardian for late attendance. Strict action will be taken against habitual latecomers.
  12. Parents are requested to plan their vacations in accordance with the
  13. If the student is absent from school for a longer period, a leave application, addressed to the Principal is to be submitted to the respective Class Teacher. Medical Certificate is necessary, in case of illness for three days or
  14. If a student joins schools after his/her absence, without a proper leave note duly signed by his/her parent, he/she will not be allowed to resume
  15. Leave for going out of station during normal school session, should be approved by the Principal, prior to departure.
  16. Students suffering from the following and other such contagious diseases, must observe the mandatory quarantine period before returning to school: a) Chicken pox b) Measles and Mumps c) Conjunctivitis d) Whooping Cough e) Dengue They will be allowed to attend their classes only after the doctor certifies that they are fit to do so.
  17. No child who is medically unfit will be allowed to take class tests or
  18. Frequent absence without permission or unexplained absence for long duration renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the Re-admission may be granted at the discretion of the school authority and only after the payment of the fresh admission fee.
  19. Continuous absence from school for 10 days without permission will lead to the removal of student’s name from the school register. In such cases readmission only be granted after payment of an additional admission Readmission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter.
  20. The students of classes X and XII must make sure that their attendance must meet the criteria as set by CBSE for the board examinations. It will be the responsibility of the parents / guardians to ensure that this criterion is met to sit in the board examination. CBSE may not allow taking board exams if he / she does not meet the required attendance.
  21. Extra classes for all the classes are compulsory. Repeated / uninformed absence will be dealt with severely.


  1. TC will be given after three days of submission of duly filled application form.
  2. Application form is available in School Of
  3. TC will be given only after clearing all dues from various departments of
  4. Photocopy of Report card / Mark sheet is required along with the application form
  5. TC will be given only to Student / Parent /Authorized
  6. In case of duplicate TC following documents are required: (Application by Parents, Original copy of FIR, Original copy of Press Notification in leading news paper, Affidavit, Fee of 200/- only)
  7. Duplicate TC will be given after 10 days of the submission of above mentioned documents.
  8. TC should be counter signed by the competent authority in case the student comes other than CBSE affiliated
  9. Along with Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate is also required (for class X and above) in case student come from other than CBSE affiliated
  10. Students from CBSE affiliated schools must ensure that the scanned copy of their TC must be uploaded by previous school in their official website.
  11. Kindly deposit an amount of Rs.200/- with a request for duplicate mark sheet in the school office. The duplicate mark sheet will be issued to you within two working days.